Today there were 45 test results received by the Ministry of Health, and one was positive for COVID-19. Sadly, however, COVID has claimed another casualty and Bermuda has lost another life to this terrible disease. Today’s positive case is also the individual who passed away.
Bermuda’s has 122 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
- there are 47 active cases, of which
- 40 persons are under active public health monitoring, and
- 7 persons are hospitalized, with
- 2 of these in critical care
- A total of 66 have now recovered, and
- the total deceased is now 9.
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 59 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 18 to 101 years.
The average age of persons hospitalized is 78 and their age ranges from 68 to 89 years.
The average age of all deceased cases is 74 and the age range is 57 to 91 years.
In light of us suffering yet another death, it is timely to remind us all of how important it is to continue to shield persons who are Extremely Clinically Vulnerable, as COVID-19 is poses particularly high risk for persons who already other health problems.
The Ministry of Health would like to remind the public that as the overall restrictions on movement within the country are lowered, this group of persons very much still need to be protected by us – they are extremely clinically vulnerable.
"We must all do our part to shield them from the exponential danger that COVID-19 places them in because of their conditions," explained the Minister of Health the Hon. Kim Wilson JP MP. "We all have a duty to assist these persons to make sure they are not exposed."
The extremely clinically vulnerable include persons who may have one or more of the following:
- Solid organ transplant recipients i.e. Kidney, liver.
- Specific cancers:
- Bone marrow or stem cell transplants in the last six months or are still taking immunosuppression drugs.
- Targeted cancer treatments, which can affect the immune system i.e. Protein kinase inhibitors or PARP inhibitors.
- Immunotherapy or continuing antibody treatments for cancer
- Blood cancers or bone marrow cancers i.e. Leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma at any stage of treatment.
- Lung cancer currently undergoing radical radiotherapy
- Currently undergoing active chemotherapy
- Severe respiratory conditions including ALL cystic fibrosis diagnoses, SEVERE asthma, SEVERE COPD.
- Rare disease and inborn errors of metabolism that significantly increase the risk of infections i.e. Severe combined immunodeficiency.
- Currently taking immunosuppression therapies that will significantly increase the risk of infections, (such as Severe combined immunodeficiency homozygous sickle cell)
- Women who are pregnant with significant congenital or acquired heart disease.
To assist with shielding of this group, the general population should:
- Stay home when you can
- Wash your hands
- Maintain six feet of distance between yourself and others
- Wear cloth masks when in public places
- If you know someone who falls into these categories, you can:
- Assist with their groceries – leave them outside
- Assist with their pharmacy needs
- Call or email them to check in or reach out via social media
For the persons who are clinically vulnerable, they should ensure that they:
- Stay home at all times. Do not leave your home or your outdoor property (e.g. porch or yard)
- Minimize all non-essential contact with other members of your household.
- Avoid any face-to-face contact
- Strictly avoid contact with anyone who is displaying symptoms of coronavirus. These symptoms include high temperature and new or continuous cough.
- Visits from those who provide essential support to you such as healthcare, personal support with your activities of daily living should continue, however caregivers and healthcare professionals should stay away is they have any symptoms of COVID19.
- All people coming into your home should was their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds on arrival to your home and often while they remain in your home.
- Do not attend any gatherings i.e. Religious services.
Shielding measures are more extreme than physical distancing as extremely clinically vulnerable persons should really not be in public at all until Phase 3 or 4 of the re-opening of Bermuda.
The Ministry of Health has published the guidance on our website and are reaching out to the various community organizations and physicians to contact and support this group of clinically vulnerable during this time.
If you are vulnerable and need support or advice please email coronavirus@gov.bm or call 444 2498