Today the Minister of Health the Hon. Kim Wilson met with Dr. David Charles Benton, Chief Executive Officer of the National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN).
Dr. Benton is on-island to assist the Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) with strategy development in the areas of quality nursing and midwifery regulations and policy; recruitment and retention; and intergenerational differences and impacts on the nursing and midwifery profession.
"The BNMC seeks to strengthen ways of innovating, leading and advocating for the profession and, by extension, the health of the community," explained Minister Wilson. "Investment in nursing and midwifery will ensure a commitment to cost effective and high quality health for all."
The visit will also commemorate 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, as adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) at the 72nd World Health Assembly meeting.
Minister Wilson added: "Nurses and midwives are vital to any healthcare delivery system. According to WHO, more than 9 million nurses are required globally if we are to realize universal health coverage by 2030. There is a need for further investment to ensure a sustainable workforce and strengthen nursing leadership at all levels."
* The NCSBN is a not-for-profit organization whose members consist of nursing regulatory bodies in the USA and territories. The organization’s mission is to empower and support nursing regulators in their mandate to protect the public. The Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC) has been an associate member of the NCSBN since 2011.