Recently, the Minister of Labour, The Hon. Jason Hayward JP, MP, attended H.S. & J.E. Crisson (Crisson) on Queen Street, Hamilton, to recognize the accomplishment of Mr Phillip Anderson II, for becoming a Fully Certified Rolex WatchMaker.
Mr Anderson began his apprenticeship with Crisson in 2018, when through a partnership with Rolex Bahamas and the Department of Workforce Development, Crisson were provided with an opportunity to invest in their future. Having recognized that Bermudian watchmakers were rare, the company decided to train one of their employees. To that end, Phillip Anderson II applied, and in 2018 he was accepted into the ROLEX Watch Technical Programme to be held in the Bahamas.
During his apprenticeship, Mr Anderson received valuable on the job training and professional supervision as per his apprenticeship agreement. He also underwent comprehensive theoretical training and pre-examination study in the Rolex environment in Nassau, the Bahamas, in October 2018 and February 2020.
The course provided training to obtain specific watching making skills, including:
* Health & Safety and working environment;
* Technical interpretation and understanding;
* Tools and equipment;
* Assessing the condition of watches;
* Refurbishment of watch cases and bracelets; and the
* Service and repair of watch movements.
Throughout the training, Mr Anderson also adopted specific behaviours integral to success in the field of watchmaking. These behaviours instilled in him the drive, determination, and desire, to strive for excellence, work well with others and improve his communication and presentation skills.
Recently and while navigating the global pandemic, Mr Anderson successfully sat his final exams in Geneva, Switzerland, to become a fully certified Rolex Watchmaker.
“I am immensely proud of Mr Anderson’s accomplishment,” said Minister of Labour Jason Hayward, “He is now among a select few certified Rolex Watchmakers recognized in Bermuda. I hope that through his accomplishment, others will see and come to understand that through hard work, determination and commitment, all things are possible.”
“I also thank H.S. & J.E. Crisson, Rolex Bahamas, and the Department of Workforce Development team for providing this excellent opportunity. This outcome is a perfect example of how private and public entities working together can make a difference.”
Mr. Peter Crisson said, “I am happy we had the opportunity to invest in a Bermudian and the future of our company. I am hugely grateful to the National Training Board for partnering with us to manage this apprenticeship.”
To register or learn about opportunities and apprenticeships with the Department of Workforce Development, please email dwdlearning@gov.bm<mailto:dwdlearning@gov.bm> or call 297-7714.