The Ministry of Health is today advising the public that due to the changing status in the community regarding COVID-19 infections and exposures, care homes have been moved to phase two for their visiting and activities.
“These requirements and restrictions are designed to keep residents safe while providing alternatives to help support their quality of life during this challenging time,” explained Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP.
“I encourage family and friends to keep in touch with their loved ones in care homes by phone or video chat, or other available technology.”
Phase two of care home visiting activity restrictions include screening all visitors, which must occur and must include questions regarding exposure to persons who have travelled or are in quarantine.
Key elements to the guidance are as follows.
· Only essential visitors may have indoor visits with residents.
· Outdoor visits for non-essential Visitors are allowed.
o Two designated visitors per resident, with one visitor at a time unless from the same household.
· Offsite visits and activities should not occur unless essential to health.
· Physical distancing and appropriate PPE must be worn at all times.
· Daycare programs are not authorized during this phase.
· External activity providers are not allowed.
· Care packages to residents are allowed. However, a person should not prepare or send packages if they are ill with any COVID-19 like symptoms.
Phase two is detailed in the Care Home COVID guidance version 2.0 The link to the complete guidance on the website that includes all phases is found here. https://www.gov.bm/sites/default/files/Care%20Home%20Guidance%20201106.pdf