The Ministry of Labour wishes to remind Employers of their responsibilities toward employees as enshrined in the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act and the Work Permit Policy.
The Ministry is fully cognizant of the financial challenges facing many employers. However, it must be noted that unless there is a written, mutual agreement stating otherwise, it is the Employer’s responsibility to repatriate guest workers to their place of origin. Furthermore, if a work-permit holder has changed employers, it is the current employer’s responsibility to repatriate their workers. It should also be noted that an employee whose contract has been terminated due to the conditions set out in section 30 (3) of the Employment Act 2000 are entitled to redundancy pay.
Additionally, employers and employees are reminded that once an employment contract has been terminated or a work permit has not been renewed, there is no automatic right to reside and seek further employment in Bermuda. Individuals who wish to reside and seek employment must apply to the Department of Immigration for permission.
Guest workers should also be aware of their visa status (e.g., current or expired) and take the necessary steps to enable repatriation to their home countries. It is the responsibility of every individual to ensure their travel documents are in order well in advance of any need for overseas travel.
Lastly, if you think someone is illegally working, living, or employed in Bermuda, you should contact the Department of Immigration at https://www.doiapps.gov.bm/immigrationtips/ or by calling 441-296-5202.