Good day.
The Ministry of Health received 395 test results since the last update, and none were positive for COVID-19.
Additionally, since the last update, there were no recoveries.
There are currently seven active cases, of which;
· Four are under public health monitoring and;
· Three are in hospital with none in critical care.
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 694 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 675 persons have recovered, and 12 persons have sadly succumbed to COVID-19.
The mean age of all confirmed positive cases is 43 years (median: 40 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years.
The mean age of all currently active cases is 57 years (median: 64 years), and the ages range from less than 30 years (age group: 20-29 years) to greater than 70 years (age group: 70-79 years).
To protect privacy and confidentiality, age information will not be provided on the hospitalized cases.
The mean age of all deceased cases is 75 years (median: 77 years), and the ages range from less than 60 years (age group: 50-59 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
The source of all cases is as follows:
· 201 are Imported
· 492 are classified as local transmission of which:
· 401 are local transmission with known contact/source and
· 91 are local transmission with an unknown contact/source
· 1 is under investigation
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. Today’s update has 1 case moving from under investigation to local transmission with unknown contact/source.
Of the over 160,000 test results reported, the mean age of all persons tested is 43 years (median: 42 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years.
The seven-day average of our real-time reproduction number is less than one, and Bermuda’s current country status is “Sporadic Cases”.
“Our COVID-19 test results are encouraging,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson. “I am quite pleased that the number of positive cases is decreasing. People are following the guidelines, the restrictions that are in place are helping to keep the virus from spreading, and for that, I am grateful.”
“I would like to see more people get tested so that we can all be sure of our status. As well, if you are eligible to get vaccinated, please register your interest today.”
“Concerning the issue of those non-residents who received the vaccination, although they were not eligible to do so. There were only a few, and two persons are long term visitors. The Ministry of Health has agreed that for ethical reasons and to protect public health, we will allow only those few non-residents who have received the first dose to receive the second dose as this will complete the course of medications. I will remind the public that only residents can be vaccinated and for everyone getting the vaccine, the required identification is carefully scrutinized.”