The Ministry of Health received 8,614 test results since the last update, and 21 were positive for COVID-19. This gives a test positivity rate of 0.2%.
Ø These results are from testing done as follows:
o Thursday: 8 positive out of 2,531 results (0.3% positivity)
o Friday: 6 positive out of 2,043 results (0.3% positivity)
o Saturday: 4 positive out of 2,173 results (0.2% positivity)
o Sunday: 3 positive out of 1,867 results (0.2% positivity)
Eleven (11) of the new cases are classified as imported with details as follows:
Ø 2 residents who arrived on Delta Airline DL 617 B61731 from New York on 29 July and tested positive on their arrival test.
Ø 1 non-resident who arrived on Jet Blue B6203 from Boston on 29 July and tested positive on their arrival test.
Ø 1 non-resident who arrived on American Airlines AA 2044 from Charlotte on 29 July and tested positive on their arrival test.
Ø 1 non-resident who arrived on Delta Airlines DL 584 from Atlanta on 23 July and tested positive on their outbound test.
Ø 1 resident who arrived on American Airlines AA 914 from Miami on 22 July and tested positive on their day 8 test.
Ø 1 non-resident who arrived on Jet Blue B6203 from Boston on 31 July and tested positive on their arrival test.
Ø 1 non-resident who arrived on Jet Blue B61731 from New York on 28 July and tested positive on their outbound test.
Ø 1 resident who arrived on Jet Blue B6203 from Boston on 27 July and tested positive on their day 4 test.
Ø 1 resident who arrived on Sata Airlines S4227 from Azores on 1 August and tested positive on their arrival test.
Ø 1 resident who arrived on United Airlines UA 1985 from Newark on 1 August and tested positive on their arrival test.
Six (6) of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as associated with known cases.
The additional four (4) new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.
Additionally, there were 4 recoveries and 0 deaths.
There are currently 53 active cases, of which:
Ø 50 are under public health monitoring; and
Ø 3 are in hospital with 1 in intensive care. All hospitalized cases are unvaccinated persons.
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 2,589 total confirmed cases of COVID-19. Out of those, a total of 2,503 have recovered, and sadly there were 33 COVID-related deaths.
The source of all cases is as follows:
Ø 366 are Imported
Ø 2,213 are classified as local transmission of which:
o 1,718 are Local transmission with known contact/source; and
o 495 are Local transmission with an unknown contact/source
Ø 10 are Under Investigation
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. The seven-day average of Bermuda’s real time reproduction number is less than 1. Bermuda’s current WHO country status is “Sporadic Cases”.
For information regarding active cases, the Ministry encourages the public to visit https://www.gov.bm/coronavirus-covid19-update.
Regarding specific inquiries about the Ministry supporting the Viking cruise ship’s immunization initiative, the Ministry can confirm that recently, it has assisted Viking Cruise Lines with vaccination of their crew due to delays in the receipt of their own vaccine supply.
It continues to be the commitment of the Company that all crew and passengers are vaccinated, and the Ministry supports this responsible course of action. The vaccine supply used by Viking will be replaced by Viking so there is no loss to the Bermuda community.
Locally, Bermuda has completed week 29 of vaccinations. Since January 11th, Bermuda has administered a total of 83,208 vaccinations.
Of the 83,208 vaccinations given as of July 31:
Ø 52% are women and 48% are men;
Ø 82.5% of all residents over the age of 65 years have had at least one vaccination and 81.3% are fully immunized;
Ø To date, 65.4% of the population has been vaccinated (1 dose); and
Ø 64.1% of the population has been immunized (2 doses).
Finally as it relates to Bermuda’s vaccination drive, the Ministry continues to advocate for residents to get vaccinated, and the Government continues to offer accessible avenues for members of the public to get immunized.
Vaccination is recognised globally as one of the single most important measures that individuals can take to protect themselves, their loved ones and their community, from severe illness, hospitalizations and deaths.
Residents can walk in to the King Edward Memorial Hospital vaccination centre. This week the vaccination centre will be open on:
Ø Thursday, August 5th, from 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm; and
Ø Saturday August 7th, from 8.00 am until 4.00 pm.
Members of the public can register for a vaccination appointment via: https://vaccine.resqwest.com/web/