As part of activities for Nutrition Month, the Department of Health is inviting the public to a free, five-session gardening workshop every Thursday evening in March. Participants will learn to grow fresh, nutritious food, which will help cut grocery bills.
Mellonie Furbert, Public Health Nutritionist said, “We know that people know the importance of fresh food and we also know that it can cost quite a bit. This is one way to save on your grocery bill.”
Minister of Health and Seniors, the Hon. Jeanne Atherden, CA, CPA, JP, MP, added, “You can learn to grow fresh food, put nutrient-rich fresh produce on your family’s dinner table, and save money at the same time. Maintaining a garden is an outdoor activity that the whole family can get involved in. Even a relatively small garden space can work”.
The course runs on Thursdays from 5:30pm – 6:30pm and the lessons will concentrate on a specially-constructed experimental plot in front of the Hamilton Health Clinic on Victoria Street.
The instructor will be Chaplain Kevin Santucci, who is known for combining old-time Bermudian farming methods with square foot gardening to produce oversize vegetables.
Sponsors include the Well Bermuda Partnership, BELCO, and the Bermuda Dietitians Association.
While the workshop is free, participants must attend all five sessions. Spaces are limited. Register by calling Nutrition Services at 278 6467 or 278 6469 or emailing by the end of the day, 28 February.