This winter has been a difficult one for many fishermen as windy conditions have limited the number of fishing days," said the Minister of Home Affairs, Walter Roban, following detailed discussions with technical experts in the department and a review of information on local fisheries, particularly the Hind Grounds, "As such, to assist the fishermen, the Ministry has decided to keep these fishing grounds open for a little longer this year."
Fishing in the Seasonally Protected Areas, known as the “Hind Grounds” and “Grouper Grounds”, will be extended one week later than in the previous six years to 22 April 2023. The Seasonally Protected Areas will open as usual on 15 August 2023, and the “Grouper Boxes” (Extended Closure Areas) will open as usual on 1 December 2023.
In 2017, the Seasonally Protected Areas closed two weeks early following significantly larger catches of Red Hind from these areas in 2014 and 2016. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources advised that the increased catch in 2014 and 2016 was likely due to increased water temperatures causing Red Hind to gather and reproduce earlier in those years. Water temperatures in February and March this year have been cooler than the same months in 2014 and 2016.
The exact boundaries of the Seasonally Protected Areas and “Extended Closure Areas” are shown in the two maps (attached), including the GPS coordinates for the four corners of each area.
Commercial fishermen are reminded that a bag limit of 50 Red Hinds per boat per day is in effect for April, and the bag limit of 10 Red Hinds per boat per day will also remain in place from 1 May through 31 August.
Recreational fishermen are reminded that a bag limit of 10 Red Hind per boat per day year-round is in effect for them.
A bag limit of one (1) Black Grouper per boat per day year-round is in place for all fishermen.
Fishers are also advised that Marine Resources officers have continued tagging studies on Red Hind to understand better the movements and the status of the Red Hind population. Black Grouper have been tagged in the past as well. If you catch a tagged Red Hind or Black Grouper, all fishers are encouraged to contact the Marine Resources Section at 293-5600 or email fisheries@gov.bm.
The Ministry urges the public to familiarize themselves with the Seasonally Protected Areas and abide by the Fisheries Regulations to help conserve our Red Hind and Black Grouper populations.
For more information, contact the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Marine Resources Section at 293-5600 or email fisheries@gov.bm