Good morning.
I thought it important to speak directly to the people of Bermuda today. I am joined by my colleague the Minister of Labour, the Hon. Jason Hayward as well as other ministerial and parliamentary colleagues.
Over the last few days there has been an attempt to somehow portray the Government’s position on this Labour legislation as that of one individual. It is not.
Safeguarding the rights of working men and women is our common cause and in this we have worked for decades with our partners in Labour, Bermuda’s unions.
Today’s events show that that historic relationship is strained. Not because we no longer share common goals but because we disagree on a single provision in the law. That is not nor should it be personal. Unfortunately, this policy disagreement has been personalized. The unprecedented resolution of the BIU’s General Council which targeted the Premier and the Minister of Labour was simply wrong.
Minister Hayward will speak to the specifics of the law in this area but I wish to make it clear that his leadership on this issue has been defined by creating a framework of union strength that will enhance the protections for Labour in this country.
As I indicated in my comments last evening, this is an extremely disappointing time. My colleagues and I are working hard every day to drive the economic recovery Bermuda desperately needs. The principle on which we stand is the right one. We will not commit to any course that takes away the rights of Bermuda’s workers and so I must say again, the law will not be amended and we are firm in that position.
Thank you.