The Ministry of Economy and Labour invites members of the public to express an interest in joining the Wage Commission.
The Wage Commission is responsible for inquiring into Bermuda's statutory wage scheme to make recommendations on a minimum hourly wage and a living wage rate, which would then be set by the Minister responsible for Labour.
The Wage Commission totals eight persons: a Chairman, five members and two ex-officio members representing the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry responsible for Labour.
Members are appointed by the Minister responsible for Labour for three years and must have broad experience and expertise in economics, law, statistics and other suitable qualifications.
To fulfil its mandate, the Wage Commission is required to conduct research, inquiries and analysis and carry out extensive consultation to ensure all stakeholders, including employers and employees and organizations representing employers and employees, have the opportunity to contribute.
Should the Wage Commission require information from an employer, employee, or someone else, they can compel persons in writing to supply that information and appear before the Commission.
Minister Hayward explained, “On June 1 2023, Bermuda's first wage rate of $16.40 came into effect, enabling low-income earners to receive a dignified wage. Achieving this milestone moment in Bermuda's history is thanks to the Wage Commission's hard work, dedication, and expertise.”
"As we now look to implementing Bermuda's first living wage rate, I encourage those in our community with the skills, expertise and dedication to contribute their part in what will be another historic moment to the people of Bermuda, especially for those most in need."
"I thank the Wage Commission members for their continued contributions as well as those community members who may join the Commission in advance for their interest in becoming future members of the Commission, and in so doing, cementing their names in the annals of Bermuda's history."
Expression of Interest forms must be submitted electronically by December 31 2023 and can be accessed online at forms.gov.bm/Departments/The-Cabinet-Office/Expression-of-Interest.
For more information, contact the Department of Labour at departmentoflabour@gov.bm or call 297-7716.