Recently, the Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon. Jason Hayward, JP, MP, was on the road promoting Bermuda as the best place to domicile new international business, innovation tech companies and modern infrastructure projects. The Minister attended the Bermuda Business Development Agency's (BDA) Executive Forum held in New York City on May 11th where he led the Bermuda delegation in sharing the value proposition of Bermuda with international media, investors and business leaders across various industries.
BDA's Executive Forum in New York City brought together leading experts from the global investment community to ensure that they keep Bermuda at the forefront when deciding where to set up new entities, expand their business and invest their capital.
Through a series of discussions and networking, attendees learned why Bermuda is the best place to bring innovative risk and insurance, asset management, high-net-worth services, technology, and infrastructure ideas to market.
During the event, Minister Hayward participated in a keynote fireside chat with David Hart, BDA CEO.
"I highlighted Bermuda's reputation as the world's risk capital and a destination ripe for investment, emphasised the importance of International Business to our economy,” said Minister Hayward.
"I explained the key competitive advantages in Bermuda's business ecosystem, including a progressive Government willing to work with industry, our world-class regulator in the BMA, and a mature business environment with access to global financial and professional service firms."
“I restated the Government's commitment to ensuring Bermuda remains a top tier business jurisdiction and a place where businesses can come to thrive."
In summation of the event, Minister Hayward said, "I made it clear to all that Bermuda is open for Business."
On May 23rd and 24th, The BDA, in partnership with the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (ABIR) and KBRA, will welcome climate thought leaders from around the world to Bermuda for an invite-only Bermuda Climate Summit.
This event aligns with establishing Bermuda as the world's climate risk financing capital and a leader in ESG initiatives. It also presents another opportunity to showcase our value to the world and will become a vital feature of the Bermudian calendar.