The Minister for the Cabinet Office, the Hon. Wayne Furbert, JP, MP, said he appreciated and acknowledged the public feedback regarding the recently introduced $5.00 Bermuda Post Office (BPO) clearance and processing fee on the delivery of all non-dutiable postal packages.
The $5.00 processing fee for dutiable items is not new, as it has been in place since 2012.
What was new is the charge on all non-dutiable postal packages.
Minister Furbert said, “The public will be aware that over the last several months, the BPO has been undergoing an extensive reform process. This includes closely reviewing its business processes and services and updating its services to provide greater financial management of its resources.
However due consideration has been given due to the feedback and the Minister has requested that this fee not be charged on non-dutiable goods.
The Minister would also like to remind the public that the $5.00 fee on dutiable items can be exempted if they fill out the form themselves.
"Members of the public who wish to complete their declaration forms prior to collecting their packages can download the forms from the Department of Customs site on the gov portal.
"We take this opportunity to thank the public for their patience and cooperation during these BPO upgrades.”
For more information regarding collecting and processing BPO packages, email PostOffice@gov.bm or call 297-7893. To download the BCD form visit www.gov.bm/declaring-goods-customs