The Ministry of Health invites the participation of women and families who have received peri-natal care, post-natal care and/or child healthcare services in recent years (for children up to two years) in completing The First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway Survey (“the Survey”).
As part of the work to strengthen care for mothers and their children, the Survey is collecting perspectives on recent experiences accessing and using maternal and child health services, the kind of support that was received, and what could be improved in the future.
The Survey is a component of the Ministry’s current First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway initiative, which is a Throne Speech initiative. It is using a collaborative approach to develop an integrated patient care pathway that focuses on Bermuda’s current and future maternal and child health landscape from the time of conception until a child is two years of age (24 months).
Integrated care pathways are multidisciplinary approaches that detail the essential care steps for people with specific needs, in this case pregnant mothers, young children, and their wider families supporting them. They cover patient care from the beginning to the end and define what happens, when and who is responsible at any stage of the care journey.
The development of the First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway is being led by a multi-disciplinary working group. Chaired by Pediatrician, Dr. Sylvanus Nawab, the group has engaged 46 health sector professionals to support strengthening care, including OB-GYNs, specialists and primary care physicians, the nursing community, nutrition services and oral health representatives, along with the Bermuda Health Council, Department of Health, and Bermuda Hospitals Board.
“The first 1,000 days of life is a critical time in child development,” states the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “It is the time of significant development and growth of a child’s brain, body and immune system. As we work to implement overall health system reform, and within that, universal health coverage, the development the First 1,000 Days integrated care pathway will serve to improve overall patient experience, operational performance, and critically, to improve clinical outcomes.”
“Feedback received from the Survey will inform the development of the First 1,000 Days patient care pathway,” advises Dr. Nawab. “The intent of developing this patient care pathway is to strengthen the support provided to mothers and their children over the first 1,000 days of life, improve access to essential health care services over this time frame, and to build a more sustainable healthcare system.”
He continues, “Our children have the right to thrive and develop to their fullest potential. Ensuring optimal care during a child’s first 1,000 days of life has been proven to result in stronger clinical and long-term health outcomes. By participating in this survey, the members of our community can ensure their voice is heard as we undertake this significant piece of health system reform.”
The First 1,000 Days Patient Care Pathway Survey was launched earlier this month.
All responses must be submitted by 31 May 2023. The Survey can be accessed at the following link - https://forms.office.com/e/8knB1nwysv and will take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Feedback will remain anonymous.