The Ministry of Health acknowledges the announcement of the merger between BF&M and Argus, two of Bermuda's leading insurance providers as well as the concern from the public on how this could negatively impact their household budgets. While recognizing the potential benefits on the global stage, the Ministry emphasises the importance of keeping the cost of healthcare down for Bermudian families.
The Ministry of Health understands the anxieties raised by the proposed merger of BF&M and Argus, particularly in light of the recent reports of increases in local health insurance premiums by private insurers despite the Government doing our part by freezing the Standard Premium Benefit for the past three years. We understand the concerns of Bermudians who are worried about the affordability and accessibility of healthcare, and we want to assure the public that introducing Universal Healthcare and driving down the cost of healthcare are at the core of our Vision and the work we are doing in The Ministry of Health.
"We hear the voices of Bermudians struggling to keep up with rising premiums," said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson. "We share their concerns about the impact of healthcare costs on their ability to live, raise families, and retire in Bermuda. That is why the Government is committed to launching universal health care."
"The Ministry of Health remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring that healthcare in Bermuda is affordable, accessible, and sustainable for all residents," said Minister Wilson. "We will closely monitor the merger process to safeguard the interests of the public, particularly those who rely on publicly funded health insurance."
The Ministry has outlined its key concerns and expectations regarding the merger, including:
- No increase in premiums: The Ministry seeks assurance that the merger will not result in increased premiums for individuals and families.
- Continued availability of services: The Ministry expects that the full range of healthcare services will remain accessible and uninterrupted throughout the transition.
- Support for Universal Health Coverage (UHC): The Ministry is interested in understanding how the merged entity plans to support the implementation of UHC in Bermuda.
- Protection of publicly funded plans: The Ministry seeks to ensure that individuals with publicly funded health insurance plans are not adversely affected by the merger.
The Ministry of Health looks forward to ongoing dialogue with BF&M and Argus. The Ministry is committed to working collaboratively with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth transition that prioritizes the health and well-being of the Bermuda community.