The Department of Environment & Natural Resources (DENR) can report ‘The Water Resources (Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Boats) Regulations 2018’ came into force in August 2018. These Regulations apply to owners and operators of recreational boats, live-a-boards, charter boats and all other boats that sail or motor in and around Bermuda.
As a result of these Regulations you may only discharge sewage overboard when outside of the ‘No-Discharge-Zones’. Sewage may only be discharged outside of the near-shore areas (i.e. greater than 500 metres from the nearest land) in addition to outside of the more enclosed areas of Great Sound, Little Sound, Harrington Sound, Castle Harbour, Hamilton Harbour, St George’s Harbour and Fisheries Protected Areas.
The options for discharge of sewage from boats currently include certain marinas, shore-side sanitation trucks or transiting outside of the No-Discharge-Zones.
The Regulations also require:
- An instruction sticker showing the ‘No-Discharge-Zones’ to be placed in a visible location adjacent to the toilet on board.
- The over-board discharge valve (i.e. Seacock) from the toilet and/or sewage holding tank to be located in the ‘Closed’ position whenever the boat is moored or anchored within the ‘No-Discharge-Zones.’
The instruction stickers and brochures are available to be picked up from either the Department of Environment & Natural Resources in the Botanical Gardens or from the Boats and Mooring Section of Marine & Ports Services located in the old Paget Post Office, Middle Road, Paget.
For more information, please call 239 2356, 239-2303 or email pollutioncontrol@gov.bm.