The Ministry of Home Affairs advises the public that the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) has organised with other local agencies a simulated oil spill exercise on Friday 18 March 2022 at Whalebone Bay, Ferry Reach.
The purpose of this exercise is to test the Island’s ability to manage and mitigate the environmental impact of an oil spill. This incident management exercise with significant equipment deployment builds upon oil spill training that was provided through funding from the UK Maritime Coastguard Agency in preparation for the forthcoming Triple ‘I’ audit by the International Maritime Organisation.
Other local agencies participating in the exercise will include the:
· Royal Bermuda Regiment Coast Guard;
· Marine & Ports Services;
· Works and Engineering, Dept of Parks, Dept of Health,
· Bermuda Fire & Rescue Service, Ministry of National Security
· Representatives from all Licenced Ports;
· SOL Petroleum Energy Ltd;
· RUBIS Energy (Bermuda) Ltd;
· Other private organisations who have received oil spill training via Government; and
This exercise will also test the initial notification procedure to the US National Response Center in the event of assistance being required under an existing MOU.
Members of the public are kindly asked to avoid the Whalebone Bay area, both on land and at sea, while the exercise is underway.