The Department of Health is inviting nominations for the Public Health Awards 2022. This year the Public Health Awards will recognise an individual and an organisation for their contribution in preventing the spread of coronavirus for the safety and health of the community of Bermuda.
Using the World Health Organization definition of health as “a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being,” the individuals and organisations can be from any sector of society, provided that they have gone over and beyond the call of duty to contribute to and advance health in the community.
“Many in our community have worked tirelessly to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to promote health and safety as we navigated through this pandemic,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “The Ministry of Health is grateful for their dedication and commitment, and we want to recognise their contribution.”
The Public Health Awards ceremony is on Thursday, 7th April, and nominations should be submitted no later than 31st March 2022. Nomination forms can be completed and submitted online at https://www.gov.bm/online-services/public-health-awards
For more information on the Public Health Awards, please email healthpromotion@gov.bm or call 278-4900.