Statement from the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP
This month Bermuda residents will be asked to participate in the STEPS to a Well Bermuda Survey. The Ministry of Health in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization will interview a representative sample of Bermuda’s adult population aged 18 to 69 years from 2,195 households.
Last month, the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson, JP, MP provided a statement in the Parliament regarding the STEPS Survey. Minister Wilson stated, “This STEPS survey will enable us to update essential health information that was previously collected in 2014. STEPS surveys provide a sound evidence base on public health priorities for the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers.
“The cooperation of all in the community is essential to ensure that this vital health information is captured. Participation involves three steps, all of which can be done in the participant’s home, and in essence, provides a free health screening for those selected. The STEPS are as follows:
Step 1: Interviewers will use a questionnaire to assess participant’s health-related behaviours.
Step 2: Participants will have their blood pressure, weight, height and waist circumference measured.
Step 3: At a convenient time, a community health professional will take a finger stick blood sample to measure fasting blood glucose and cholesterol levels.
“On completion of steps 2 and 3, participants will receive the results of their measurements that can be used personally or shared with their healthcare provider who can then decide on the most appropriate course of action. All information provided to the trained data collectors is kept confidential and will be collated and anonymized.
“I am encouraging residents if selected, say “Yes” to the interviewer and participate to help Bermuda’s overall health and your own. The Ministry of Health, needs the help of all in the community to ensure a successful 2019 STEPS to a Well Bermuda survey.”
PHOTO:Dr Roberta Caixeta, Advisor, PAHO Noncommunicable Diseases Surveillance, Prevention and Control; Minister Kim Wilson and Dr Delores Ondarsuhu, Specialist, PAHO Noncommunicable Diseases Monitoring and Surveillance