The Ministry of Economy and Labour will host a round table discussion entitled "Addressing the Challenge of an Ageing Population in Bermuda" on Thursday, 29 September, at 6:00 p.m. that will air live on Facebook, YouTube and CITV.
"Members of the public will recall my announcement earlier this month on the creation of a position paper entitled "Addressing the Challenge of an Ageing Population in Bermuda", said Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon, Jason Hayward, JP, MP. "The document states the Government's position on the demographic challenge of an ageing population. I also announced that the Ministry would hold a round table discussion on Bermuda's Ageing Population to advance meaningful social commentary on this topic."
"To that end, I am excited to be joined by this panel of experts that bring a wealth of knowledge related to this topic. This round table discussion will provide a holistic approach to the problem and suggestions for how to address it. It will be one of the many exercises the Ministry will conduct to develop a viable plan to address the challenge of an ageing population in Bermuda."
The round table panellists include:
- Dr Claudette Fleming – Executive Director, Age Concern Bermuda;
- Mr Craig Simmons – Senior Lecturer, Bermuda College and Economist;
- Mr Steve Woodward – Managing Director, KPMG;
- Dr Ricky Braithwaite – CEO, Bermuda Health Council; and
- Mrs Mercedes Pringle-DeSilva – Operations Manager, Age Concern Bermuda.
The moderator for this critical event will be Mrs Ianthia Simmons-Wade, MP.
Questions can be submitted to the panel in the comments on Government's Facebook page or emailed to askus@gov.bm.