The Ministry of Health will host an afternoon of healthy fun and activities especially for seniors at Celebrating Wellness on 23 October at Victoria Park in Hamilton. Since 2011, the Ministry of Health has hosted this event to promote healthy lifestyles through healthy eating and active living. This year’s theme Healthy Ageing Starts Now puts the focus on improving the quality of life for Bermuda’s seniors.
The term 'healthy ageing' refers to the ability to function physically, mentally, socially and emotionally as the body slows down with age. It means remaining healthy and active in later stages of life.
Statistics show that Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as heart diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes, account for nearly half of all deaths of persons under 70 years. Common preventable risk factors underlying most NCDs are lifestyle factors such as physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, tobacco use and the harmful use of drugs and alcohol. Celebrating Wellness is a free event and sponsored by the Department of Health, Corporation of Hamilton, Chamber of Commerce and Well Bermuda. The activities kick-off at 2:30 p.m. and continues to 6:30 p.m. Participants can get involved in Move More BINGO, soca sweat, old school line dancing, Zumba, best hat competition, massages and reflexology. There will be a free water bar, information booths and food vendors.
For more information contact healthpromotion@gov.bm or 278-4900 or Facebook page DepartmentofHealthBermuda