The Ministry of Economy and Labour is pleased to advise the public of a recent visit to Bermuda by a Turks and Caicos Islands' Labour Tribunal delegation to observe the processes and procedures of the Bermuda Employment and Labour Relations Tribunal (the Tribunal).
As requested by the Turks and Caicos Islands' Labour Tribunal President, M. Doreen Quelch Missick, the delegation visited Bermuda for one week, returning on Saturday, 16 March 2024, intending to understand the Tribunal's operations and procedures and exchange information to help each jurisdiction improve its operations.
Under the guidance of the Tribunal Chairman, Mr Ed Ball Jr, the delegation consisting of Turks and Caicos Islands' Labour Tribunal Secretary Mrs. Lucille Campbell, Tribunal Officer Mrs. Alice Williams, and Administrative Officer Mrs. Winnifred Stubbs observed the operation and procedures of the Tribunal from case management to the point of a tribunal Hearing.
The delegation also met with key organizations and Government Departments such as the Human Rights Commission, the Human Rights Tribunal, the Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon. Jason P Hayward, the Department of Labour and the Department of Workforce Development.
Bermuda's various labour arbitration and employment tribunal panels were consolidated into one body in June 2021 under the Employment Amendment Act 2021. While recognizing that the current structure of the Tribunal is relatively new, Bermuda has a long history of arbitrating labour and employment-related matters. Against this backdrop, the Tribunal Chairman, Mr Ed Ball Jr, has described this experience as exceptional and welcomes continued collaboration with the Turks and Caicos Islands' Labour Tribunal and those within other jurisdictions.