Good afternoon everyone.
I am here to provide the latest update on what is now Tropical Storm Jerry.
We continue to closely monitor this system.
It has weakened to a tropical storm and is anticipated to pass over Bermuda, most likely sometime on Tuesday – however this could change? It is too soon to tell.
As I stressed yesterday, we strongly encourage everyone to remain in a hurricane readiness mode.
The EMO met this morning and will meet again on Sunday at 10 am. After tomorrow’s meeting we will provide another update at 12:30 pm to the media and on the Emergency Broadcast Station – 100.1 FM at 1:30 pm.
Following the Emergency Measures Organization meeting today, the public is advised:
- Buses – we have made significant progress. Bus routes 2, 3, 4 (St. John's Road only) 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 will resume at 1 pm today. The other routes are being checked and we will provide an update later this afternoon.
- Belco has just over 8,000 customers without power – 28%, and anticipate all power to be restored by Monday.
- Public schools - we will provide an update tomorrow on whether they will be open on Monday.
- Road clearing continues so please be mindful and take caution while driving on our roads.
- The ferries are running as normal.
- KEMH is operating as normal and are preparing for the next storm. Lamb Foggo Urgent Care Centre in St David’s is open this weekend from 12noon – 12midnight. Weekday hours are 4pm – until 12 midnight.
- I will remind the public to please take all necessary precautions while restoring their property. The hospital has treated a number of cases of persons receiving injuries while restoring their properties.
- Additionally – pay close attention to the food in your fridge. If you have been without electricity for a few days the food in your fridge may be bad – throw it out.
- Trash collection has resumed. Thursday’s garbage collection is being collected today.
- Marsh Folly is open for collection now and closes at 7:00pm. The will open Sunday at 7:30am until 4:00pm. Please take trees/foliage to the Marsh Folly Facility - dumping fees have been waived. Satellite drop off sites at Somerset Bus Station and the Airport will no longer be available.
- All Bermuda public Beaches are open. Lifeguards are on duty until 6 pm this evening.
- The Royal Bermuda Regiment remain embodied.
- Cedarbridge Academy will be open as the storm shelter for those in need during this storm.
- The Hamilton docks are open. The Bermuda Islander arrived yesterday and the Oleander will arrive on Sunday and leave on Monday.
- The Grandeur of the Seas arrived today and will leave on Sunday evening.
- The Norwegian Dawn arrives early tomorrow morning and will also leave Sunday evening.
- Cruise ships scheduled to arrive next week have been cancelled.
- The L F Wade International Airport is operating as normal.
- The Somerset Police Station received damage. The Somerset police service has been relocated to Dockyard.
- Roofing problems – limited help is available for people with special needs - call 247-1639.
- Bermuda is back up and running.
I urge all residents to follow local media and the Government media outlets over the weekend to stay informed about Tropical Storm Jerry.
We will provide updates on the Emergency Broadcast Station - FM 100.1 today at 1:30 as well as tomorrow at 1:30.
If you know anyone who does not have access to online media sites – specifically our seniors – please encourage them to listen 100.1 FM at 1:30 pm and again tomorrow at 1:30 pm so that they can stay abreast of the storm updates.
You can easily stay informed about the latest information and updates by downloading and installing the Bermuda Government Tree Frog app, available for free from the App store and Google Play store.
You can also visit gov.bm and the Government of Bermuda Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts for full details.