Yesterday the Ministry of Health advised that there were four new COVID-19 cases; three imported and one under investigation. All have been isolated and contact tracing has begun.
The Bermuda Police Service issued a statement yesterday stating that two of the cases are Police Officers, one of whom does not have a recent travel history. Although these two cases are within the Police Service, to date contact tracing has not yet identified actual contact between them. Investigation continues.
Case investigation continues for up to 14 days. If by then a source is not identified, the case is classified as "local, unknown contact/source".
Further, two of yesterday’s new cases were recent travellers who had negative pre-departure tests and arrival tests and were, therefore, on their “mobile quarantine” and able to move freely. The public and travellers are reminded that anyone arriving in Bermuda remains under mandatory 14-day public health monitoring, which includes self-monitoring temperature and symptoms daily and reporting symptoms to the Epidemiology and Surveillance team. This is in addition to mandatory testing, and required mask-wearing and physical distancing per public health guidance.
Possible contacts of these new cases have been sent communication to advise them of such, with advice on steps they must take for 14 days in order to prevent ongoing spread of COVID-19:
- Self-quarantine. Strictly adhere to physical distancing; especially from vulnerable persons.
- Use good hygiene (covering your coughs and sneezes, hand-washing) and mask-wearing.
- Avoid all public spaces where there is close contact with others, including all public transport (taxis, ferries and buses).
- Monitor yourself daily over the next 14 days for symptoms such as temperature over 100.4F or 38C, or headache, sore throat, cough, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, muscle aches/pains or fatigue.
- If contacts develop symptoms they must isolate and contact the public health team on 444-2498.
- COVID-19 PCR test is recommended if they develop COVID related symptoms, or they are advised otherwise by their physician or the public health team.
The COVID-19 case management team remains in touch with contacts over the next 14 days.
Information on contact tracing can be found at: https://www.gov.bm/sites/default/files/Contact-tracing.pdf
The Ministry of Health reminds contacts that it is very important that they stay at home for the 14 days, as symptoms of COVID-19 can take 14 days to develop. Staying at home will help prevent the spread of the virus to family, friends, the wider community, and particularly those who are vulnerable. Self-quarantine is important in keeping Bermuda COVID-19 free.
It is also important for the travellers to remember that while they are on the 14-day mobile quarantine, they must follow all public health guidance and instructions. Travellers are not truly “free to roam” until they clear their day 14-test. They must “roam with utmost care” until then.
Likewise, the general public is advised to ramp up preventive measures: wash hands frequently, wear masks diligently when mixing with other households, avoid large groups and keep 6 feet away from others if unmasked.
Lastly, the Cabinet has reviewed the traveller requirements for returning residents. Effective Tuesday 25th August 2020 any travellers arriving in Bermuda without a pre-departure test taken in the country visited will be required to test on arrival and quarantine for at least eight days, requiring a negative test result after day 8 to be released from quarantine. This will come into effect on 25th August 2020. More details will be shared on the coronavirus.gov.bm website shortly.