Good day to all members of the media and the listening public.
The public is aware of the challenges facing many hard-working Bermudians who struggling daily to ensure their family’s basic needs are met. With that in mind, this Government is confident that as we move toward establishing a minimum wage in alignment with a living wage regime, it will improve the lives of many by ensuring that they receive fair and just wages allowing individuals and their families to cover their basic needs.
I am pleased to announce that we are one step closer to that goal.
To that end, the Wage Commission (the “Commission”) was established by the Employment (Wage Commission) Act 2019 (the “Act”) as a result of a Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on the establishment of a living and minimum wage regime. Its function is to “conduct such studies, reviews and analyses as necessary and make recommendations on the minimum hourly wage and the living wage rates to be prescribed” by the Minister of Labour.
The Commission, which functions as an independent authority, is chaired by Mr. Cordell Riley and consists of eight members, including ex-officio representatives from the Ministries responsible for Finance and Labour.
On behalf of the Ministry of Labour, I give my sincere thanks to the Wage Commission for completing and delivering to the Government the first report that provides recommendations on establishing a minimum wage in alignment with their responsibilities as set out in Part 3 of the Employment (Wage Commission) Act 2019.
At this time, I welcome Mr. Riley to say a few words and speak to the document’s findings.
Again, the Government thanks the Commission for the work it has done thus far and will await receipt of the Commission’s second report on a living wage. After which the Government will review the recommendations and considerations contained in the reports with an aim to table in Parliament a wage bill that will establish a statutory minimum wage in alignment with a living wage regime.
In closing, I want to remind everyone that each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app.
Do the research, talk with your doctor and make an informed decision about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
Thank you
At this time, I welcome questions from the media.