Dr. Cheryl Peek-Ball, the Chief Medical Officer stated, “We recognize that the World Health Organization today declared the coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. The declaration of a pandemic is based on the geographical spread of the disease and not a change in its severity. The World Health Organization Director General stated: ‘Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO’s assessment of the threat posed by this virus. It doesn’t change what WHO is doing, and it doesn’t change what countries should do.’ The Ministry of Health will continue to prepare for COVID-19. As of today, there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Bermuda.
“Maintaining the medical confidentiality of patients is critical and we will not comment on individual cases. The updated figures for Bermuda show eight people have been tested for COVID-19, three came back negative and five results are still pending.
“As of noon today, 44 people in Bermuda are self-monitoring with public health supervision. These are persons with a relevant travel history or contact that is not considered high-risk. Health personnel are in communication with these individuals over the course of the self-monitoring period having provided them with a plan for self-monitoring with clear instructions on how to notify appropriate healthcare providers before they seek health care if they develop fever, cough, or have difficulty breathing.”
The Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, said, “The government website has been updated so visitors to the page can find information easier and faster. The site will be reviewed and revised daily to ensure the public have access to timely, accurate information. The URL is https://www.gov.bm/coronavirus
The public is urged to continue to follow health guidance on appropriate hand hygiene together with sneeze and cough etiquette.”