Want to stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and important announcements from the Bermuda Registry of Companies (RoC)?
Welcome to the Department of Workforce Development’s Online Services page. Here, you’ll find a collection of essential forms and applications designed to assist you with your career and professional development needs.
Want to stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and important announcements from the Bermuda Registry of Companies (RoC)?
To support the health and safety of students in Bermuda with asthma, the Bermuda Department of Education, Department of Health, Bermuda Hospitals Board Asthma Education Centre, and Open Airways invite parents/guardians to complete the Bermuda Stud
The Tip and Other Gratuities Policy Statement form is required for businesses in Bermuda to ensure transparency and compliance regarding employee tips and gratuities.
The ShoreLink App is a new and exciting way to purchase fares for both buses and ferries whenever and wherever you choose.
Welcome to the Department of Sport and Recreation’s Online Service Portal. We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting bookings for our facilities and services.
Welcome to the Minister of Education’s Debate Challenge 2024/25!
The Economic Development Department (EDD) offers grants to support various initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth and development in Bermuda. Here are the key steps and requirements for applying for an EDD Grant:
Welcome to the Pollution Control online service page. Here you can find and submit forms to update information regarding your registered Fuel Storage Tanks, Operating Licences, and Water Rights.
The Social Insurance Lookup Service is designed to help individuals and employers quickly and securely retrieve social insurance numbers.
The Bermuda National Breastfeeding Committee is proud to introduce the Breastfeeding Friendly Designation Campaign, an initiative designed to recognize and celebrate businesses that are committed to supporting breastfeeding mothers and their babie
Welcome to the Government of Bermuda’s online service for paying parking tickets. Follow the steps below to quickly and easily settle your parking ticket.
Flu viruses are always changing. Each year’s flu vaccine is made to protect against three or four viruses that are likely to cause disease that year. This year the flu vaccine is made with four viruses.
If you need a copy of your marriage certificate, you can easily order one through our Certificate Order Form online service page.
The Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Board (CICB), a division of the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Here, you will find all the necessary information and resources related to applying for compensation for criminal injuries.
Bermuda participates in the provisions of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). You will need a CITES document for the movement of a CITES specimen into or out of Bermuda.
Public health is what a community does to make sure its residents are healthy. Public health is at the heart of much of Bermuda’s day to day functioning, but is largely invisible. When restaurants are clean and safe, when children and
Bermuda welcomes eligible persons to make expressions of interest in the Economic Investment Certificate & the Residential Certificate Program.
The Expungement Order online application can be made to obtain an expungement order further to section 6 of the Expungement of
To have your domestic partnership formalised in Bermuda, you must meet the following criteria:
Project Ride Training Program is an auxiliary cycle training course that enables teenagers to acquire their Bermuda Youth License.
Bermuda welcomes persons who satisfy the requirements set out below to reside in Bermuda pursuant to section 32 of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act 1956 (“BIPA”).
Dynamic opportunities exist within the Department of Parks for the posts of seasonal full-time and seasonal reserve Surf Lifeguards for the 2025 Lifeguard Season from April – November.
The Real Estate Brokers’ Licensing Act 2017 (the “Act”) came into operation on 2 October 2017.
- Requirements to apply for a Betting Licence Applicants are to submit this application with the requisite receipt and a cheque for advertising fees to the Clerk to the Betting Licensing Authority at Magistrates’ Court.
The ShoreLink App is a new and exciting way to purchase fares for both buses and ferries whenever and wherever you choose.
Welcome to the Government of Bermuda’s online service for paying parking tickets. Follow the steps below to quickly and easily settle your parking ticket.
Flu viruses are always changing. Each year’s flu vaccine is made to protect against three or four viruses that are likely to cause disease that year. This year the flu vaccine is made with four viruses.
If you need a copy of your marriage certificate, you can easily order one through our Certificate Order Form online service page.
The Registry General registers the country-code top-level domain names for the .BM domain.
You can renew your motor vehicle licence online for any vehicles that you own. The licence is valid for one year and must be renewed annually.
You can register the look of a product you’ve designed to stop people copying or stealing it.
The look of your design includes the:
Medical practitioners, Coroners, or funeral homes, who ordinarily confirm the death of an individual by applying for the long form certificate from the Registry General for the family of the deceased, are now able to submit the new Form F1 for pro
Birth certificates include the details of the baby and it's parents.
There are procedures for correcting a birth record if you discover that an error has been made.
To support the health and safety of students in Bermuda with asthma, the Bermuda Department of Education, Department of Health, Bermuda Hospitals Board Asthma Education Centre, and Open Airways invite parents/guardians to complete the Bermuda Stud
Avoid delay by making sure you contact the correct department when reporting a pollution problem.
Air pollution includes fumes or odours coming from sources such as:
You can bring in or report sick, emaciated and/or injured wildlife to the Wildlife Receipt Centre (WRC) at the Bermuda Aquarium, Museum and Zoo (BAMZ).
If you believe you have found the remains of a ship, part of a shipwreck or an article associated with a shipwreck, you can send us a report.
The finder of record will be determined by the following rules:
You can report any interesting plant or animal observations you’ve made in Bermuda. It is often a member of the public who makes an exciting discovery.
To work in Bermuda, you must be Bermudian, be married to a Bermudian, or be a Permanent Resident’s Certificate (PRC) holder.
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources offers a free public service to remove infestations of feral birds, including feral chickens, pigeons, and crows.
A victim impact statement allows you to tell the Court how a crime has affected you physically, emotionally, and financially. The information you provide will be used to help the Court determine the sentence for the offender.
Want to stay up to date with the latest news, updates, and important announcements from the Bermuda Registry of Companies (RoC)?
Welcome to the Department of Sport and Recreation’s Online Service Portal. We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting bookings for our facilities and services.
Welcome to the Pollution Control online service page. Here you can find and submit forms to update information regarding your registered Fuel Storage Tanks, Operating Licences, and Water Rights.
The Social Insurance Lookup Service is designed to help individuals and employers quickly and securely retrieve social insurance numbers.
When there are changes to a commercial property, it is important for the owner or agent to fill out a Commercial Property Changes Form (CPC Form).
There are three opportunities when you can make an objection to your annual rental value:
The Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit helps to manage and monitor the status of health in Bermuda by:
If you have been informed you can claim a refund, you have two options to take advantage of the refund due to you.
The following options are available:
If you do not agree with a written decision issued by the Customs Department, you can request a review of the decision by writing to the Collector of Customs.
There are two stages of appeal:There are three ways for getting automatic access to court records if you are not part of the proceedings:
The government offers programmes and assessments for substance abusers through the Bermuda Assessment and Referral Centre (BARC).
The Plant Protection Laboratory (PPL) can test for soil fertility. The test provides information on pH and soluble salts. Both pH and soluble salts (salinity) are important in determining whether or not plants will grow.
The Plant Protection Laboratory offers a free service for diagnosing plant diseases and identifying pest species. Plant diseases can be caused by many organisms such as fungi, bacteria and viruses.
The Plant Protection Laboratory tests the suitability of water for use in horticultural applications. The test provides information on pH and dissolved soluble salts.
If a record is not currently available to the public, you can make a request for information by filling out a
PATI Request Form, or providing a written request.
Welcome to the Department of Workforce Development’s Online Services page. Here, you’ll find a collection of essential forms and applications designed to assist you with your career and professional development needs.
Welcome to the Minister of Education’s Debate Challenge 2024/25!
The Economic Development Department (EDD) offers grants to support various initiatives aimed at fostering economic growth and development in Bermuda. Here are the key steps and requirements for applying for an EDD Grant:
The Criminal Injuries (Compensation) Board (CICB), a division of the Ministry of Legal Affairs. Here, you will find all the necessary information and resources related to applying for compensation for criminal injuries.
Bermuda participates in the provisions of the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). You will need a CITES document for the movement of a CITES specimen into or out of Bermuda.
Public health is what a community does to make sure its residents are healthy. Public health is at the heart of much of Bermuda’s day to day functioning, but is largely invisible. When restaurants are clean and safe, when children and
The Expungement Order online application can be made to obtain an expungement order further to section 6 of the Expungement of
Project Ride Training Program is an auxiliary cycle training course that enables teenagers to acquire their Bermuda Youth License.
Bermuda welcomes persons who satisfy the requirements set out below to reside in Bermuda pursuant to section 32 of the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act 1956 (“BIPA”).
The Real Estate Brokers’ Licensing Act 2017 (the “Act”) came into operation on 2 October 2017.
The form of notices of application, licences and permits for the purposes of the Liquor Licence Act 1974 shall be as set out in the Schedule to these Regulations, or as near thereto as the circumstances admit.
Occasional Liquor Licences shall only be granted for social, charitable or benevolent purposes as per Section 22 of the Liquor Licence Act 1974. All applications are to be submitted a minimum of 3 weeks prior to the date of the event.
You must submit an Application for Scientific Research Activities if you intend to conduct any research on any of Bermuda’s plant and animal s
A Global Work Permit allows a person who is already employed by a global company in another jurisdiction to transfer to the Bermuda office without the requirement to advertise the position.
There are many different types of residence you can apply for. These types include:
The Department of Environment and Natural Resources requires all applicable fuel tanks to be registered. This includes tanks that are located below ground (i.e. Underground Storage Tank – UST) and above ground (i.e.
Any sports fishing vessel coming to Bermuda must apply for a licence from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. The application should be submitted a week before arrival into Bermuda.
Only registered refrigerant handlers are permitted to carry out installations, repairs and servicing of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
Contact the Department of Agriculture in the country into which you wish to import wood products to obtain their importation requirements. The import conditions and documentation required varies from country to country.
The Bermuda Job Board has a multitude of programs and services to assist in your educational, training and vocational plans.
The Government of Bermuda is the island's largest employer, offering a wide variety of interesting careers with excellent training and development opportunities.
To get a refund for duty paid in error, you must write a refund application letter addressed to the Collector of Customs requesting a refund of duty paid in error.
The request letter should include:
You must apply for a Customs Automated Processing System (CAPS) ID Number if you are:
You must apply for a