COVID-19 Daily Release 18 January 2021

Good day,
There were 2380 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update, and thirteen were positive for COVID-19. Ten of the new cases are classified as imported with details as follows:
- Two residents who arrived on AA 308 from Miami on 2 January 2021 and tested positive on their day 14 test,
- Three residents who arrived on AC 1818 from Toronto on 8 January 2021 and tested positive on their day 8 test,
§ Two non-residents who arrived on BA 2233 from London on 10 January 2021 and tested positive on their day 4 test (These travelers were quarantined until Day 4 results as they arrived from the UK),
- One resident who arrived on AA 308 from Miami on 10 January 2021 and tested positive on their day 4 test,
- One resident who arrived on DL 617 from New York on 11 January 2021 and tested positive on their day 4 test,
- One resident who arrived on S46227 from Portugal on 16 January 2021 and tested positive on their arrival test.
Two of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases. The remaining new case is classified as under investigation. This case is a resident with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.
Additionally, since the last update, 15 cases have recovered.
There are currently 73 active cases, of which;
· 67 are under public health monitoring and
· Six are in hospital with none in critical care;
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 683 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 598 persons have recovered, and 12 persons have sadly succumbed to COVID-19.
The mean age of all confirmed positive cases is 43 years (median: 40 years), and the ages range from less than 1 year to greater than 100 years.
The mean age of all currently active cases is 46 years (median: 46 years), and the ages range from less than 20 years (age group: 10-19 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
The mean age of all currently hospitalised cases is 60 years (median: 69 years), and the ages range from less than 30 years (age group: 20-29 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
The mean age of all deceased cases is 75 years (median: 77 years), and the ages range from less than 60 years (age group: 50-59 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
The source of all cases is as follows:
· 194 are imported
· 471 are classified as local transmission of which:
· 391 are local transmission with known contact/source and
· 80 are local transmission with an unknown contact/source
· 18 are under investigation
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. Today’s update has 9 cases moving from under investigation to local transmission with unknown contact/source.
Of the over 150,000 test results reported, the mean age of all persons tested is 43 years (median: 42 years), and the ages range from less than 1 year to greater than 100 years.
The seven-day average of our real time reproduction number is less than 1 (0.38) and Bermuda’s current country status remains “Clusters of Cases”.
The Minister of Health, the Hon Kim N Wilson, is pleased with how the vaccination programme is progressing. Minister Wilson said: “We are delighted with the vaccine registrations to date and the number of residents interested in getting the vaccine. However, I would remind the public that we are not taking walk-ins; the COVID vaccination is by appointment only. When you submit your on-line registration form, you will receive an auto-generated submission receipt. Your submission will be kept on file, and you will be contacted as appointments become available. I appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through the thousands of registrations and prioritise our Phase 1A vaccine recipients.”