COVID-19 Daily Release 31 March 2021

Good day.
The Ministry of Health received 1660 test results since the last update, and 60 were positive for COVID-19. One of the new cases is classified as imported by a resident who arrived on Delta Airlines DL 617 from New York on 29 March 2021 and tested positive on their arrival test. 17 of the new cases are classified as local transmission with known contact as they are associated with known cases.
The additional 42 new cases are classified as under investigation. These cases are among residents with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.
Additionally, since the last update, there was one recovery.
There are currently 476 active cases, of which;
· 474 are under public health monitoring and;
· Two are in the hospital, with one in critical care.
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 1217 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 729 persons have recovered, and 12 persons have sadly succumbed to COVID-19.
The mean age of all confirmed positive cases is 41 years (median: 39 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years.
The mean age of all currently active cases is 38 years (median: 37 years), and the ages range from less than ten years (age group: 0-9 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
Details will not be provided for the hospitalised cases to protect privacy and confidentiality.
The mean age of all deceased cases is 75 years (median: 77 years), and the ages range from less than 60 years (age group: 50-59 years) to greater than 80 years (age group: 80-100 years).
The source of all cases is as follows:
· 242 are imported
· 823 are classified as local transmission of which:
o 731 are local transmission with known contact/source and
o 92 are local transmission with an unknown contact/source
· 152 are under investigation
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. Today’s update has 13 cases moving from under investigation to local transmission with known contact/source.
Of the over 190,000 test results reported, the mean age of all persons tested is 43 years (median: 42 years), and the ages range from less than one year to greater than 100 years.
The seven-day average of our real-time reproduction number is 2.01.
Bermuda’s current WHO country status is “Sporadic Cases”. However, Bermuda’s PAHO country status is “Community Transmission”.
“We are making excellent progress in vaccinating our population, and enthusiasm for the vaccine is increasing,” exclaimed Kim Wilson, JP, MP, Minister of Health. “However, we need to get as many people as possible vaccinated to stop the cycle of infections and re-infections leading to hospitalisations and death.”
“The more people vaccinated, the better control we have over the spread of this outbreak. If you have not registered to be vaccinated, I strongly urge you to do so today. We are in Phase 3 of our Vaccine Allocation Strategy, so everyone over the age of 16 is eligible to be vaccinated.”
“This Easter weekend, we must all exercise good judgement, behave sensibly and resist the urge to interact with people outside of our immediate household. Please be patient. Now is not the time to let our guard down for the sake of social get-togethers, parties and gatherings that risk everyone’s safety.”
“Remember Bermuda - stay in your household bubble at all times, especially this Easter weekend.
· If kite flying, stay within your household bubble. Your household bubble comprises the people you live with only.
· If possible, enjoy kite flying from your property.
· If kite flying from a park or recreation area, stay within your household bubble. Do not mix with others at the same park.
· Do not visit with, or invite to visit, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, etc., to mix with you at all. Even if you plan a family activity outdoors, I cannot stress enough - NO MIXING OF HOUSEHOLDS.
· Continue to wear a mask, physically distance from others and practice good hand hygiene at all times – even if you are immunised. As I said earlier, being immunised does not mean that you cannot get the virus.
· Be aware of the symptoms, which are easily associated with allergies - sore throat, tiredness and headaches, coughing and sneezing.
“I will remind the public that if you are in quarantine, you must stay put. And if you have symptoms related to COVID, please contact your GP. Please do not show up at their office. You must call first. Let them know that you are symptomatic and in quarantine.”
“Each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app. If you haven’t already, register to get vaccinated.”