COVID-19 Update 16 July 2021

There were 6171 test results received by the Ministry of Health since the last update, and five were positive for coronavirus, giving a test positivity rate of 0.1%.
These results are from testing done on:
• Monday, July 12: 2 positive out of 1956 results (0.1% positivity)
• Tuesday, July 13: 2 positive out of 2157 results (0.1% positivity)
• Wednesday, July 14: 1 positive out of 2058 results (0.05% positivity)
Four of the new cases are classified as imported with details as follows:
• 1 resident who arrived on United Airlines UA 1985 from Newark on 12 July 2021 and tested positive on their arrival test
• 1 non-resident who arrived on Jet Blue Airways B61731 from New York on 12 July and tested positive on their arrival test
• 1 non-resident who arrived on Delta Airlines DL 584 from Atlanta on 13 July and tested positive on their arrival test
• 1 resident who arrived on British Airways BA 159 from London on 13 July 2021 and tested positive on their arrival test
The fifth new case is classified as under investigation. This is a resident with no currently identified link to other known cases or history of travel in the past 14 days.
Additionally, there was one recovery and 0 deaths.
There are currently 15 active cases, of which;
• 15 are under public health monitoring and;
• Zero are in the hospital.
Since March 2020, Bermuda has recorded 2530 total confirmed cases of COVID-19; out of those, 2482 persons have recovered, and sadly, there were 33 COVID-related deaths.
The source of all cases is as follows:
- 333 are Imported
- 2194 are classified as local transmission of which:
o 1698 are local transmission with known contact/source and
o 496 are local transmission with an unknown contact/source
·3 are under investigation
For information regarding age distributions, please refer to
As investigations proceed, transmission categories may change. The seven-day average of our real time reproduction number is less than 1. Bermuda’s current WHO country status remains “Sporadic Cases”.
Today the Minister of Health, the Hon. Kim Wilson said, “Please remember that the pandemic is not over. We still have to try hard to reduce the risk of catching the coronavirus. Each of us is responsible for helping to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app. Do the research, talk with your doctor and make an informed decision about getting the COVID-19 vaccine.”
“The KEHM Vaccination Centre is open for appointments and walk-ins Monday to Friday from 4.00 pm – 7.00 pm, and Saturday from 8.00 am to 12.00 pm. The Centre is closed on Sunday.”