COVID-19 Briefing the Minister of Health’s Remarks 30 September 2021

Good afternoon.
Yesterday I reported that Bermuda had experienced ten more coronavirus-related deaths. I wish to extend heartfelt condolences to the families and friends who have recently lost a loved one due to COVID-19 related illnesses.
You are in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. I am praying for those currently in hospital with COVID-19 related illnesses. I sincerely hope that they all recover soon.
Bermuda is a small community, and these deaths are touching us all. We all know someone – or know of someone – who has become very ill or has died from COVID. I strongly urge everyone to please do everything you can to protect you and your family from this virus.
In 2021 alone, from January 11, when Bermuda’s vaccine campaign began, to the end of Epi Week 38 on September 25, Bermuda has experienced:
235 hospitalisations [including repeat admissions] of which:
·215 or 91% were persons who were not fully vaccinated, and,
·20 or 9% were fully vaccinated.
In addition, this year, we have had 48 deaths, of which:
·39 or 81% were persons who were not fully vaccinated, and,
·9 or 19% were fully vaccinated.
Sadly, the total number of deaths related to COVID-19 is 72, as reported yesterday.
As we all know now, the Delta variant is easily transmissible and widespread throughout our community. Everything we do should be focused on avoiding infection.
If you do test positive for COVID-19 you must isolate for 14 days if you are not vaccinated; and for 10 days if you are vaccinated, even if you have no symptoms.
As well:
·Tell your close contacts that you have tested positive.
·If you are told that you are a close contact youmust quarantine for 14 days if you are not vaccinated; for 10 days if you are vaccinated.
·You must test to end isolation or quarantine on your Day 10 or 14 of quarantine.
·A negative test before the end of isolation or quarantine does not shorten the isolation or quarantine requirements.
·Protect your household members by separating from them during the isolation or quarantine period.
·Do not have visitors to your house while on isolation or quarantine.
Be sure to contact your doctor for guidance, and if you do not have a doctor, the hospital has set up a phone number, 239-2009 to assist with information on the proper treatment for your symptoms.
Last week we received 2300 doses of Pfizer vaccines, and I encourage anyone who wants to get vaccinated to register their interest in their first dose as soon as possible on
The Hamilton Princess and Beach Club has generously provided their location for free vaccinations. This pop-up vaccine centre is located in the Harbourview Ballroom on the following dates:
·Sunday, October 3, from 10 am to 3 pm
·Friday, October 8, from 3 pm to 7 pm
·Sunday, October 10, from 1 pm to 5 pm
Complimentary parking is available, as well as refreshments and sweet treats generously provided by the Hamilton Princess.
Medical doctors will be there to answer any questions you may have about COVID and the vaccines.
Also, for those who have made the decision to get vaccinated, you can book an appointment or walk-in at the King Edward Memorial Hospital vaccine clinic which is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 pm – 7 pm, and Saturdays from 8 am – 4 pm.
Regarding, booster vaccines, they will be available starting next week.
At this time, the recommended target groups for booster vaccines are, in this order, persons who are:
1. Immunosuppressed,
2. Over 65 years old, including our care home facilities
3. A healthcare or essential worker, and then,
4. Those over 50 years old.
We are not currently administering boosters as the Ministry of Health is currently working out the delivery details. We will advise the public once appointments for boosters are available.
Bermuda please remember, we must look out for each other. We must act responsibly and adhere to the public health guidelines. This current outbreak is frightening, and to get through this, we must take responsibility for ourselves and others in our community.
Each of us has a role to play in stopping the spread of the coronavirus. Follow Public Health guidelines, wear a mask, practice good hand hygiene, maintain physical distance and download the WeHealth Bermuda app.