Vaccination Week in the Americas 2022 Event Photos & videos
In partnership with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Bermuda is celebrating Vaccination Week in the Americas 2022 (April 25th – 29th). The theme is, Are you up to date with your vaccinations? #Getallyourshots
There were several activities to celebrate Vaccination Week in the Americas 2022. The Child Health Mascot Bermy Germy and Department of Health staff were on East Broadway Monday morning and North Shore Road Tuesday morning. Department of Health Staff and the Minister of Health also took part in the Bermy Germy’s dance walk about town on Wednesday, March 27th. Please see the photos and a short video of these events below.
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) developed videos in observance of Vaccination Week in the Americas 2022, which we are also sharing.
“Bermuda is celebrating Vaccination Week in the Americas this week. We remind everyone to get up to date with their vaccinations,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP.
“CARPHA has graciously provided us with accurate, science-based messages on vaccines, geared at raising public awareness and promoting the importance of vaccines and vaccination. The Ministry of Health agreed that sharing them in Bermuda is important.
“CARPHA is seeking to remind people why we vaccinate, address common questions or concerns, and counter mis/disinformation through these communication tools.”
Link to videos
Ms. Christiana Williams, Retired District Health Visitor, Ministry of Health, Trinidad and Tobago
Vox Pop 1- Word on the Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
Vox Pop 2- Word on the Street, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago