Update on Work from Bermuda Initiative

The Ministry of Economy and Labour is pleased to report that in the two years since launching the ‘Work from Bermuda’ (WFB) initiative on August 9th, 2020, The Government of Bermuda has received 1315 WFB applications, with 1127 approved. Currently, there are 234 WFB certificate holders residing in Bermuda.
It is estimated that since the launch of the WFP initiative, the certificate holders have injected over $28 million into Bermuda’s economy. Overall, the benefits of this policy include: boosting economic activity and enhancing Bermuda’s brand and reputation as an attractive travel destination and/or a place to live.
The Ministry continues to be encouraged by the number of new applications submitted weekly and the number of individuals who are choosing to renew their stay for an additional year. Through the work of the Bermuda Business DevelopmentAgency and the Bermuda Tourism Authority, the promotion of the WFB initiatives continues.
This certificate is a win-win for both visitors and Bermuda. Attracting people to reside in Bermuda for durations of one year assists in boosting Bermuda’s economic activity. Additionally, the requirement that only businesses outside our country can employ WFB certificate holders ensures that local jobs are protected.
This policy targets the individual who:
- has the financial means to sustain themselves fully;
- would like to work in Bermuda in a non- Bermuda-based or a non-Bermuda registered legal entity or partnership; or
- would like to complete their post-secondary studies from Bermuda.
Individuals can apply for a WFB certificate through the Governments forms portal at forms.gov.bm. The WFB program remains open to potential residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
Permission to Reside on an Annual Basis
Non-Bermudians are also reminded that the WFB certificate is not the only program that allows individuals to reside in Bermuda. Those who meet the eligibility requirements may apply for Permission to Reside on an Annual Basis. While referred to as “Permission to Reside on an Annual Basis”, permission can be obtained for periods of up to five (5) years.
This program is particularly attractive to globally retired individuals, dependents of work permit holders and owners of hotel and tourist accommodations.
For information on residing in Bermuda for a year or more, visit www.gov.bm and complete the application For Residence Form.