Health Insurance Department Update

The Health Insurance Department is fully operational and accepting credit card payments.
Premium payments for active HIP and FutureCare policies can continue to be made via online banking.
New enrolments for HIP and FutureCare are being accepted. This will require the completion of a paper enrolment form at the Health Insurance Department at Sofia House, 48 Church Street. Premium payments can be made via debit/credit card, cash or cheque. HID cannot accept online transfers for new enrolments to HIP or FutureCare. A confirmation of coverage letter will be issued for all new enrolments and should be presented to health service providers as necessary.
Requests for personal home care, including assessments, will be facilitated as quickly as possible. Completed applications and all supporting documentation can be faxed to 295-9213 or hand delivered to our office at Sofia House, 48 Church Street.
Please contact the Health Insurance Department at 295-9210, with any specific questions.
Temporary phone list.
- Ministry of Health Headquarters, 505-7832
- Child Health Clinics, Travel, and Immunizations 332-8906
- Maternal Health 332-8895
- Communicable Disease Clinic 332-8881
- Community Health and Adult Health Clinic, Social Work, Administration 705-5946
- Oral Health Hamilton Health Centre 707-0292 or 705-8934
- Oral Health St. Georges Clinic 332-3592
- Nutrition Services 747-6468
- Speech Language and Hearing Services 332-8922
- Occupational therapy and Physiotherapy services 333-7479
- Environmental Health, Vector Control, Occupational Health and Safety, Port Health,
- Plumbing Inspections 707-4576 or 705-1352
- Child Care Regulation Programme 705-7309
- Health Promotion and Wellness Office 300-6500
- Sylvia Richardson Care Facility 505-8771
- Office of the Chief Medical Officer 799-1522
- Director Department of Health 531-9385
- Facebook: departmentofhealthbermuda
- Instagram:@departmentofhealthbermuda
- Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Council 707-0117