2018 Labour Force Survey

Today, Minister for the Cabinet Office the Hon. Walton Brown, JP, MP, released the May 2018 Labour Force Survey (LFS) Report from the Department of Statistics (attached).
Minister Brown said, “The Report contains selected indicators of the labour force and economically inactive population. These indicators are compared to the 2016 Census of Population and Housing, to Labour Force Survey Reports dating back to 2014 and the 2013 Household Expenditure Survey.”
Some highlights from the May 2018 Labour Force Survey Report are as follows:
- The median gross annual income from main job climbed 9% from $58,113 to $63,288.
- The unemployment rate dropped from 7% to 6%.
- The unemployment rate for Bermudians fell from 8% to 6%.
- The unemployment rate for persons under 25 years declined from 23% to 18%.
The labour force declined 2% from 38,155 to 36,646.
- The working population decreased from 35,530 to 34,612.
- The economically inactive population rose 6% from 15,428 to 16,389.
The May 2018 Labour Force Survey Report is available online at https://www.gov.bm/employment-statistics.