Department of Health Primary 1 Readiness Screening

The Department of Health is advising that primary 1 readiness screening will be held from July 3 – 17, 2019, at the Cedarbridge Academy library.
There will be three components to this year’s screening, Speech and Language (S&L), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Physical Therapy (PT).
Each area will assess the student’s ability to ensure their skill development is at an appropriate level. In the event a student does not pass the screening, another appointment will be scheduled for a full assessment.
All students entering public primary school in September 2019, who have not been previously identified, will need to be screened. The process can last anywhere from 20-60 minutes depending on the number of screenings given to a child.
Parents will be contacted to schedule screening appointments with therapists, and it is strongly advised that all children attend and complete the screening process.
For more information, parents can call 333-7471 or email