Today there were 135 test results received by the Ministry of Health. None were positive for COVID-19.
Bermuda continues to have 118 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
There are 47 active cases, of which:
*32 persons are under active public health monitoring, and
*15 persons are hospitalized.
A total of 64 have now recovered and the total deceased remains 7.
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 60 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 18 to 101 years. The age of persons hospitalized ranges between 64 and 91 years, and the average age is 77.
The racial breakdown of all active cases is: 56% Black, 38% White and 6% Other or unknown.
The Minister of Health the Hon. Kim Wilson JP MP said, "Unfortunately, I must announce today that the three new positive COVID-19 cases reported in Wednesday evening’s press conference were residents in three of our Long Term Care homes, with one positive in each of the homes. This takes the total number of COVID-affected care homes to five.
"Two of the cases were found as part of the routine testing and the third because of a symptomatic elder.
"I was unable to comment on this at Wednesday night's press conference as all families had to first be notified.
"All cases are currently under investigation, however, we have already put additional control measures in place for these three homes including testing and isolating the clients where possible. Ministry staff have been working with the administrators to ensure the appropriate steps to further protect the residents and staff are taken. We will not be releasing the names of the facilities unless there is a public health need. As you can appreciate, there is increased stress for the homes, residents, families and staff during this time and recent experience has shown that a disclosure makes managing the outbreak and continued care of the residents a challenge.
"As we have mentioned previously, the Residential Care and Nursing Homes Regulator has been providing regular support to Bermuda's 21 Long Term Care homes since late January; inclusive of daily monitoring of staff and clients’ health vitals since March 19 , PPE provision and training, cleaning guidance and other COVID-19 prevention training. In all homes, surgical masks, gloves and other PPE is worn by all staff.
"Ongoing testing will continue and we will be working closely with all of our long term care homes, their staff and patients. Retesting will be based on how appropriate it is for the home. Shielding of the elders will continue with no visitation allowed.
"As of today, we have tested 262 care home residents and 330 staff members from sixteen different care homes. Of all those tested, 548 results have come back negative with 44 positive. By tomorrow, all care homes on the island will have been tested for COVID-19."