COVID-19 UPDATE - Ministry of Health - 3 June

Today there were 30 test results received by the Ministry of Health; and none were positive for COVID-19.
Bermuda has 141 total confirmed positive cases. Their status is as follows:
- there are 19 active cases, of which
- 11 persons are under active public health monitoring, and
- 8 persons are hospitalized.
- None are in critical care;
- a total of 113 have now recovered, and
- the total deceased remains 9.
The average age of all of our confirmed positive cases is 61 and the age range of all of our positive cases is from 18 to 101 years.
The average age of hospitalized cases is 78 and the age range is 66 to 91 years.
The average age of all deceased cases is 74 and the age range is 57 to 91 years.
The source of all local cases is as follows:
- 41 are Imported
- 84 are Local transmission, with known contact
- 11 are Local transmission with an unknown contact, and
- 5 are under investigation
Bermuda’s country status remains “Local Transmission – Cluster of Cases”. The real time reproductive number 7-day average is 0.53.
The Ministry of Health encourages the public to sign up to HealthIQ and update their status regularly.
“Your participation and reports on HealthIQ informs Bermuda’s performance on the Reopening Indicators,” said the Minister of Health the Hon. Kim Wilson JP MP. “The better we do on face mask wearing, physical distancing and adoption of technology such as HealthIQ, the better we will fare in managing COVID-19 on the Island and moving through our 4-phase plan. We have just over 5,000 HealthIQ participants now, and the target is 10,000 minimum, so I encourage everyone to participate. Your data is confidential and cannot be viewed by anyone at all. The App simply reports aggregate data and provides an excellent heat map of potential cases, showing which postal codes have more reports.”