Rental of Landfill Compactor

This Request for Quotations (the “RFQ”) is an invitation by the Government of Bermuda (the “Government”) to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for Land Fill Compactor, as further described in Section A of the RFQ Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).

To supply the Ministry of Publlc Works with a Landfill Compactor with one operators and all operational costs including fuel for the operation of the Airport Waste Management Facility.

Request for Quotations for the external and internal painting of six Government Schools

The Government of Bermuda is soliciting for quotations from qualified contractors for the internal and external painting of several public schools during the schools summer vacation from the 1st July 2019 - 26th August 2019.

This Request for Quotations is for the external and internal painting of six Government schools as follows:

1) Northlands Primary School, 9 Berkeley Road, Pembroke HM 13

2) Paget Primary School, 20 Ord Road, Paget PG 04

3) Port Royal Primary School, 6 Church Road, Southampton SN 01

Filming and Film Production of the 2019 Heritage Day Parade

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Government of Bermuda (the “Government”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for the Filming and Film Production of the 2019 Heritage Day Parade  as further described in Section A of the RFP Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).

Department of Communication seeks to retain services from qualified firms and/or individuals fully experienced and qualified in filming and film production.

Issue Date of RFP

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Janitorial Cleaning Services for the Accountant General's (ACG) Offices

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of Finance,The Accountant General's (ACG) Department, formally invites you to submit a response to the RFP for the provision of Janitorial Services at the 3rd  & 4th floors,  Andrew’s Place, 51 Church Street, Hamilton, HM 12 for the contract period of two (2) years. This may be extended for one (1) additional year based on availability of funds, and satisfactory performance of the contractor.

Request for Proposals for Rooftop PV Solar System Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance

Executive Summary:  This Request for Proposal is for Rooftop PV Solar System Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance to:

1)           Government Administration Building (GAB) 30 Parliament Street Hamilton HM12

2)           General Post Office Building (GPO) 56 Church Street Hamilton HM12

3)           Transport Control Department (TCD) 11 North Street City of Hamilton HM17

Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) Trials (Pilot)

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of Public Works is soliciting responses from experienced Companies to provide Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) (Pilot) proposals for the Ministry of Public Works Water and Sewage Section.

It is the intention of the Ministry of Public Works Water Section to eventually install a full scale Advanced Metering Infrastructure to manage its existing water distribution system consisting of 1074 mechanical water meters as well as monitor its well field systems consisting of 244 abstraction points.

Office Cleaning Contract

The Department of Workforce Development is seeking the services of Professional cleaning company to carry out quality professional office cleaning services for all identified areas including the supply of all cleaning consumables for a period of one year for the Work Force Development office located at Old Magistrate’s Court Building 23 Parliament Street, Hamilton, Bermuda HM12.

Watford Bridge – Waterproofing and Expansion Joint Replacement

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of Public Works is soliciting responses from experienced Companies to provide Waterproofing and expansion Joint Replacement proposals for the Ministry of Public Works Structures Section.  It is the intention of the Ministry of Public Works Structures Section to replace the existing waterproofing system of the bridge as well as the existing damaged expansion joints.