Congressional Black Caucus
Premier travelled to the Annual Legislative Council of the Congressional Black Caucus where he was hosted by the Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers.
-Total Cost: $3393.70ABIR International Regulatory Dialogue Conference
The Minister of Finance travelled to Brussels, Belgium, to participate in the Association of Bermuda Insurance & Reinsurance (ABIR) International Regulatory Dialogue Conference (September 6th, 2019). The Minister welcomed&
Cruise Passenger Experience Observation
The Hon. Minister Zane DeSilva, JP MP travelled aboard the Royal Caribbean Cruise Line ship Anthem of the Seas from 24th through 29th August 2019.
The Minister of Finance was asked to participate as the guest speaker at Koried 2019 Global Summitt held in Miami, Florida on 10th July, 2019. The Summit bought together government representatives, business leaders, experts and tho
Archived - Exercise Tradewinds Phase 2
Minister Caines accomapanied the Royal Bermuda Regiment at phase 2 of Exercise Tradewinds. Tradewinds is a Caribbean-focused training exercise designed to help participants better respond to natural disasters, land and maritime threats.
International Labour Conference, Switzerland Geneva
The Minister of Labour, Community Affairs and Sports, the Hon. Lovitta Foggo, JP, MP is currently representing the Bermuda Government at the 108th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva Switzerland.
-Total Cost: $6730.41Archived - Exercise Tradewinds Phase 1
Minister Caines travelled with the Royal Bermuda Regiment to the Dominican Republic to participate in Phase 1 of Exersice Tradewinds.
Collision 2019 Conference
The Premier traveled to the Collision 2019 Conference in Toronto, Canada. The Collision is one of the largest tech conferences in North America. Canada is a market that the Business Development Agency is looking to target for additiona
-Total Cost: $3094.19Consensus 2019
The Premier joined the Minister of Finance at the Consensus 2019 Conference, which is the largest gathering for digital asset companies. During this time the Premier engaged in a number of Business Development meetings both related to digita
-Total Cost: $3706.89