IT Summit: Towards 21st Century Government in the Caribbean
The Minister for The Cabinet Office with Responsibility for Governemnt Reform travelled to Antigua and Barbuda. The thrust of the Summit focused on the "Vision of the CARICOM Single ICT Space for common frameworks for enabling the d
-Total Cost: $4607.58Archived - The Caribbean Infrastructure Forum (CARIF 2017)
The Minister of Public Works travelled to Montego Bay, Jamaica to attend the Caribbean Infrastructure Forum (CARIF 2017) held on December 11th & 12th, 2017.
Caribbean Infrastructure Forum
Premier was invited to speak to delegates at the KMPG infrastruture forum. Preimer also met with the Dean of the University of West Indies.
Meetings in Miami with Bermuda Business Development Agency
Premier led a delegation to meet with policitcal and business leaders in Miami, Florida.
Executive Education and Space and Satellite Industry Meetings
The Deputy Premier and Minister of Transport and Regulatory Affairs attended Harvard Kennedy School, Executive Education “Recovering the Public in Public Value.” Minister Roban was then accompanied by Aideen Ratteray Pryse, Permanent Secretary (Ac
2017 Fall ETP Forum
The Minister of Economic Development and Tourism attended the 2017 Fall ETP (Exchange-Traded-Products) Forum and economic development meetings in New York.
Joint Ministerial Council & Meeting at the German Ministry of Finance
Premier attended the annual Joint Ministerial Conference in London and then travelled to Berlin for meetings at the German Ministry of Finance in advance of the ECOFIN meeting to confirm the European's Unions list of non-cooperative jurisdictions
10th Annual Walkers Fundamentals Seminar
The Minister of Economic Development and Tourism attended the 10th Annual Walkers Fundamentals Seminar in New York.
Special Meeting of the Caribbean Overseas Tereritories
Special meeting of United Kingdom Overseas Territories to discuss UK response to 2017 Hurricane Season.
EU Engagement
The Premier travelled to the UK, Paris and Brussels, accompanied by a Ministry of Finance Official, and the Director of the London UK Office, to meet with high level UK officials, OECD officials, French officials and Brussels officials to engage o