Janitorial Cleaning Services

The Government of Bermuda (Bermuda Police Service) is soliciting for quotations from qualified contractor(s) to provide janitorial services for a three (3) year period, with the option to extend for one (1) additional year based on availability of funds and satisfactory performance of the contractor. The requested services will cover police occupied buildings across the Island including locations in Somerset, City of Hamilton, Prospect and Southside. Contractor can bid on all locations or selected locations as broken down in Appendix D.

Property Renovation ,Redevelopment & Use Within Southlands National Park

The Southlands Park is a 38 acre parcel located on South Road in Warwick Parish. It was designated as a National Park in 2017 when the site was transferred to the Government in exchange of Morgan’s Point parcel of land. It boasts of 7 Cottages, endemic banyan trees, water catchment, an open lawn, woodland walks, quarry gardens & ponds, a beach and other remarkable natural attractions. The Park is considered to be endowed with great potentials which are worth considering for Public Private Partnership initiatives to make it become more beneficial to the community, as an Amenity Park.

Cleaning Services for the Department of Health Clinics

The Department of Health (DoH) is seeking submissions from established cleaning firms to provide cleaning and sanitization services at the following clinical facilities for three years that may be extended for one additional 1 year based on the availability of funds and the satisfactory performance of the Contractor. 

  • Hamilton Health Center and Annex - 67 Victoria Street 

Kings Wharf Fender Replacements

This Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) is an invitation by the Government of Bermuda (the “Government”) to prospective proponents to submit proposals for fender replacements at Kings Wharf, Dockyard as further described in the RFP documents.

The Ministry of Public Works is seeking to engage a suitable qualified and experienced contractor to fabricate and install new fender panels, and install the owner supplied fenders.

RFQ Contact:

Provision of (1) one Isuzu FTR34K(FTR34SU-KDN) Rear Dump Truck

Provision of (1) one Isuzu FTR34K(FTR34SU-KDN) Rear Dump Truck. This will mainly be used for the transport of Asphalt from the plant to sites cross Island.

Contact Information

Ms. Elizabeth Davis-Smith at email: edsmith@gov.bm

Language of Submissions

Unless otherwise indicated, all submissions shall be in English only.

Important Dates 

Swing Bridge Deck Repairs 2024

This Request for Quotations (the “RFQ”) is an invitation by the Government of Bermuda (the “Government”) to prospective respondents to submit non-binding quotations for Bridle Hill Retaining Wall, as further described in Section A of the RFQ Particulars (Appendix D) (the “Deliverables”).

The Ministry of Public Works requires repairs to the Swing Bridge in St George's. The work involves the partial reconstruction of the deck slab of the Approach Spans and Swing Span of the bridge, as detailed in these documents and as shown on the contract drawings.