Collection of Tin Aluminum Glass (TAG) Recyclable Products

The Ministry of Public Works is seeking a service provider for the provision of island-wide recycling collection services, including "blue bag" collection, for households, rest homes, all private and public schools, Government workplaces, public docks, public parks and approximately 80 dual purpose bus stop bins, and Government-operated facilities including BLDC and WEDCO properties however, excluding the Corporation of Hamilton.

The successful proponent will provide these serviced for a one (1) year duration with the option for the Government to extend for a second year.

CANCELLED-Network Infrastructure and Server Support

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of National Security through the Bermuda Police Services (hereafter known as “BPS”) invites proposals from local firms for the provision of technical support of the organization’s wide area network and servers infrastructure as laid out in the Description of Deliverables within this document.

The successful respondent will provide Level-3 network and server support and monitoring, email maintenance and support, core infrastructure software support, security management, and disaster recovery measures.

Purchase of One (1) Minibus

The Ministry of Public Works, Department of Works and Engineering is responsible for procuring all vehicles for the Government of Bermuda. The fleet of over 600 vehicles includes motorcycles, cars, trucks and various medium and heavy-duty vehicles.

The Government has an immediate need for one (1) new passenger van that will hold sixteen (16) passengers.

Contact Information

Ms. Elizabeth Davis-Smith at email:

Language of Submissions

Unless otherwise indicated, all submissions shall be in English only.

Public Schools Manned Uniformed Security Services

This Request for Proposals (RFP) is an invitation by the Department of Education to prospective vendors to submit proposals for Public Schools Manned Security Services for four (4) public schools. This will include roving security, entry and egress control, fire safety assistance, incident reports via email, emergency response.

The intent of this contract is to provide a safe and secure environment for all school occupants.

Acquisition of Airport Fire Rescue Major Foam Vehicles

This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for the design, construction and timely delivery of four (4) Airport Fire Rescue Major Foam Vehicles. The project is expected to span two years, beginning in 2024. The successful proponent will also be responsible for providing comprehensive maintenance, support and spare parts to ensure efficient and effective vehicle operations.

Two (2) New 500 Passenger Catamaran Fast Ferries

The Department of Marine & Ports Services on behalf of the Bermuda Government requires two (2) 500 passenger catamaran fast ferries designed and built to Lloyds Classification standards to be used primarily for our Blue & Orange routes in Bermuda. These routes combined are approximately 17nm one way at our required service speed of 28kts. Ferries would operate up to 16hrs per day approximately 5 days per week, refueling, and services will be at the end of each service day.

Multi-Department Record and Case Management System

This Request for Information (“RFI”) is issued by the Government of Bermuda (the “Government”) through the Premier Office is requesting information from interested parties for the purposes of gathering information about the marketplace in order to assist in the determination of future purchasing options or requirements. Respondents are asked to respond to the Government and provide the information requested below.