Watford Bridge – Waterproofing and Expansion Joint Replacement

Tenders are invited from experienced Contracting Companies for the above captioned project.  The work involves the supply, surface preparation and installation of a liquid membrane waterproofing on the concrete bridge deck and the replacement of the expansion joints on Watford Bridge.

Contractors submitting a tender for this work will be required to provide sufficient information to demonstrate their technical and financial capability to complete the works in accordance with the specification and contract drawings.

Repair of Pilot’s Staging Dock Ballast Point Road, St David’s

Tenders are invited from experienced Contracting Companies for the above captioned project. The work involves the removal and disposal of two existing concrete walkway slabs, and the construction of two new slabs on the existing foundations.

Full details and tender documents may be obtained from the Ministry’s web portal www.gov.bm or the reception desk on the third floor of the Post Office Building, 56 Church Street, Hamilton during regular business hours between, 10th July 2017 and 14th August 2017.

Invitation to Tender: Water Transmission Main Trenching, Fort Hill Devonshire

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of Public Works is soliciting tenders from experienced Contractors to trench and backfill for a 10” diameter water Transmission main at Fort Prospect Devonshire. The purpose of this work is to provide a link from booster pump system to feed existing distribution mains from Fort Prospect Reservoirs.  This work involves trenching backfill and surface reinstatement. The pipeline is to be installed by Ministry staff. 

Timber Window Supply

Tenders are invited from registered companies who specialize in the supply (only) of timber (Accoya) sliding sash windows.

Full details and tender documents may be obtained during regular business hours from the Department of Lands and Buildings of the Ministry of Public Works, Prospect Maintenance Depot, 2 Aeolia Drive, Devonshire, DV05.

All interested parties may also view the tender documents on the Government’s website at www.gov.bm, under “Current Procurement Notices.”

Invitation to Tender: Central Distribution Pump Station

The Government of Bermuda, Ministry of Public Works is soliciting tenders from experienced Contractors to construct and install a Potable Water Pump Station at Fort Prospect, Devonshire. The purpose of this work is to provide a booster pump system fed from the existing water storage areas at Fort Prospect. This work involves building construction; pipe supply and installation; installation and commissioning of customer supplied package pump unit; site works including landscaping.

Timber Verandah Renewal

You are invited to submit a response to the tender for the verandah renewal to the Bermuda National Library, Museum and Perot Post Office. It is the tenderer’s responsibility to read the entire tender and comply with all requirements.
The work comprises the verandah renewal to the Bermuda National Library, Museum and Perot Post Office. In order to be considered Tenderers must submit fully completed form of tenders
This Invitation to Tender includes copies of the following:

Barry road & Coot Pond Road realignment In St. Georges parish

Separate tenders are invited from experienced Contractors for the above captioned project. The project involves the Realignment of Barry Road and Coot Pond Road to accommodate the new
Hotel St. Regis Construction.

Contractors submitting a tender for this work will be required to provide sufficient information to demonstrate their technical, financial, strategic planning & availability of heavy duty equipment
capabilities to complete the works within a tight schedule and in accordance with the specification and contract drawings.

Lefroy Washroom & Tub room Refurbishment 2017

Open:  25 May 2017

Request for Proposal: Invitation to tender for the refurbishment of the washroom and tub room

Executive Summary:

Tenders are invited from Contractors experienced in the refurbishment of washroom and tub room at Lefroy House Care Community


DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS - – 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 14th June 2017


Border Control Management System Request For Proposal

This Request for Proposals (“RFP”) is an invitation by the Department of Immigration (hereafter known as “Department”) to prospective bidders to submit proposals for the provision of a Border Control Management System (BMS) for use by the Department of Immigration. The Department of Immigration (DOI) is seeking to replace its Border Control Management System (BMS) with a new system.

Issuing of the RFP documents