Archived - America's Cup World Series Event in Portsmouth, UK
Dr. the Hon. E.
Archived - America's Cup World Series Event Portsmouth, UK
The Premier and Minister of National Security, the Hon. Michael H. Dunkley, JP, MP, attended the America's Cup World Series event in Portsmouth, UK from 24th through 27th July, 2015.
-Total Cost: $3968.55Archived - Visits to United Airlines (Chicago) and International Economic Forum of the Americas – Toronto Global Forum
The Premier and Minister of National Security traveled to Chicago, IL with the Minister of Tourism Development and Transport to meet with senior Executives of United Airlines to discuss options for continuing service by United Airlines from Newark
-Total Cost: $4675.43Archived - US-Caribbean Security Meeting
The Minister traveled to Nassau Bahamas to attend the US-Caribbean High Level Citizen Security Meetings from June 3rd to 5th 2015 - which was presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration of the Commonwealth of Bahamas and held at t
Archived - US Mexican Chamber of Commerce - New Insurance and Reinsurance Regulations Conference
The Minister travelled to New York City to participate in the US Mexican Chamber of Commerce - New Insurance and Reinsurance Regulations Conference (Keynote address)
Archived - Bermuda Business Development Agency (BBDA) Canadian Roadshow
Minister Gibbons led the BBDA-hosted Canadian Roadshow to Toronto and Calgary, which introduced the benefits of establishing Bermuda-based captive insurance companies and eCommerce entities to executive audiences.
Archived - RIMS 2015
Premier Dunkley attended the annual RIMS Conference from 27th - 29th April, held this year in New Orleans.
-Total Cost: $4055.75Archived - RIMS 2015
Minister Gibbons, together with the Minister of Finance, accompanied the Premier to the annual RIMS Conference.
Archived - Ninth International Labour Meeting
The Minister attended the Ninth International Labour Meeting, hosted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean in collaboration with the Commonwealth of the Bahamas.
Archived - Washington DC Meetings
The purpose of the trip was to meet with US Congressional Representative and to attend the 63rd National Prayer Breakfast.
-Total Cost: $5472.01